Asucre Aadu Theenda Palai ~ Aristolochia Bracteata ~ Indian Birthwort ~ Snakeroot ~ Worm Killer

Indian Birthwort and Snakeroot are the common names of Aristolochia Indica. In Sanskrit it is known as Sunanda. The plant has been used as a traditional medicine for post-delivery-infections and snakebites. The flowers of this plant are said to resemble a snake or a curved foetus. The common Hindi name for this plant is Ishwar mul. The name suggests that it has the efficiency of neutralizing snake venom.

The word aadu theenda palai means a plant that goats will not eat, this plant is very toxic to goats and usually they never go near it but if they accidentally eat it, it is very toxic. This plant has wonderful medicinal uses and every part of this plant is used as a medicine.

Aristolochia bracteata (Aristolochiaceae) is used in traditional medicines as a gastric stimulant and in the treatment of cancer, lung inflammation, and dysentery and snake bites. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Aristolochia bracteata root extracts. Roots of A. bracteata were powdered and successively extracted with ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol, and water for 8 hours each using a Soxhlet extractor.

Antibacterial activity of dried extracts was evaluated by the pour-plate method against a few Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. All the crude extracts showed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. The ethyl acetate extract was found to be the most effective. This study shows the potential for replacement of synthetic preservatives by the use of natural extracts.

The seed of Aristolochia bracteata contain 5.2 % oil. Physicochemical constants and fatty acid composition of the refined seed oil were determined. The seed oil was rich in linoleic acid (39.2 %) and oleic acid (32.8 %). Trace quantities of epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids were present in the seed oil.

The present research was designed to investigate the antioxidant activity from the Aristolochia bracteata plant (leaves stem and root). From methanolic extract of the Aristolochia bracteata contains alkaloids which were confirmed through TLC and HPTLC analysis. The plant showed as a definite positive effect on wound healing, with significant increase in the level of powerful antioxidant enzymes. Its root and leaves were bitter and anti-helminthic and are medicinally important. Almost every part of the plant has medicinal usage.

Here are the medicinal uses:

1. Anti-Bacterial Properties of Aristolochia bracteata: This plant has been used as a remedy for treating all bacterial skin infections very effectively.

2. Aristolochia Bracteata for Wound Healing: Traditionally the leaves are pounded in a mortar and pestle and applied directly over minor cuts and wounds.

3. Aristolochia Bracteata Antifungal Activity: This wonderful plant possesses anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. This is also the reason that it is extensively used for treating skin diseases.

4. Aristolochia bracteata For Anthelmintic Activity:
It is because of the wonderful property of destroying parasitic worms that it is called as worm killer in English. The leaf decoction is taken for it.

5. Anti-Pyretic Properties: Aristolochia bracteata decoction is a very good remedy for treating fevers.


Skin diseases: When there is an imbalance of pitta, vata and kapha elements in the body, skin diseases occur. Dried leaf powder is given in a dosage of 2-4 grams two times a day for relieving skin diseases.

Snake bites: The leaves of the plant are crushed and rubbed on the snake bitten areas. 10-20 ml of this juice mixed with pepper powder is given internally for 6-7 times in a day. Diarrhea, fever, inflammation: Around 5 ml of the decoction is given three times a day for reducing diarrhea, fever and inflammation.

Bronchial asthma: The powder one gram is advised for relieving vata diseases, bronchial asthma and cough.

Indigestion: For relieving disorders related to indigestion, the powder is suggested. Around 5 grams should be consumed for better results. 

Blood pressure: The juice of the plant is helpful in reducing high blood pressure and regulating it in a healthy way.

Gas problem: It has carminative properties and is useful in eliminating troublesome gas from the stomach. Decoction mixed with ginger and black pepper to relieve gas problems and other bowel complaints.

SIDE EFFECTS - There are no known side effects with this herb. Seek medical advice for its use during pregnancy. 

Aadu Theenda Palai is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, capsules and tablet form. Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the same.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Information on this website is not an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Please consult your physician or healthcare provider before taking any home remedies.

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