6 Signs You're Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening

There has been an interesting shift in the world that has everyone feeling a similar way. It's almost as if a great force of nature has lifted a guise that has been blinding all of humanity for centuries until now.

People were born into this world to believe that they are meant only to serve those above them in higher places compared to their own.

This is no longer the case in the world, although we still have a major role to play, it is time we recognize our fullest potential and claim what is rightfully ours as spiritual human beings.

1. Extreme Dreams Lately - If you have begun to experience insane, vivid dreams that you don't quite understand but feel a sense of peace from them, this could be a big indication you're experiencing a spiritual awakening. These dreams could be signs that you are finding a profound insight into the world around you, seeming complicated but meaningful at the same time. Explore the meaning of these vivid dreams; allow yourself to become enlightened from the things you never knew before.

2. New Spark For Living - If you've suddenly felt a new fire igniting inside you just for a new way of living, then this means you are ready for a spiritual awakening. Once you have claimed your passion for life and feel the need to do everything in your power to help, not only for yourself but the rest of the world, then you are on the path for much greater things. Open yourself to the possibilities of the world, realize that you do not have to limit yourself to just one thing, and explore the world for all it holds that can teach you how to become a better person.

3. No More Fear - Fear is one of the most crippling feelings that we can muster within ourselves. If you have begun to feel as if all of your fears have melted away, then you are on the right path of a spiritual awakening. The world is filled with adversity, but this does not mean you have to despair so easily. Facing your fears will teach you many things about yourself and a lot more about the others around you. Embrace this new perspective, never live in fear, and show the world just how courageous you really are.

4. The Unworthy Weed Themselves Out - Once you have felt this shift within yourself, you will begin to see the people who are unworthy of your presence weeding themselves out from your path of spiritual enlightenment. It is important that you know it is okay for these people to fall from your radar. There will be new people who share the same views, beliefs, and joys in life as you do. Even if you feel scared of losing some of those people, just remember that you must keep moving forward and not dwell on the past.

5. Sudden Urge to Meditate - Once you have begun to feel the major shift in yourself, you may also begin to feel the urge to start meditating. Meditation is a very useful practice for one to contemplate their emotions, drown out all the surrounding noise, looking inward and reflecting on our personal lives as to how we can better ourselves as well as the entire world. It is important for us to meditate as often as we can so that we can achieve a balance within ourselves to be happy human beings.

6. An Overwhelming Sensation of Love - There will be an extreme burst of self-love and love for the world around you once you have begun to feel this spiritual awakening within yourself. You will begin to see the world in all of its beauty, not only in people, but nature itself. 

A good way to express or explore these new feelings of love is by going for a hike, spending time in nature with your friends, going to a natural body of water, or just making people smile in general. Love is a very powerful feeling that you can give to just about anyone!

If you have experienced one or all of these things, then you are on the right path to a spiritual awakening within yourself. 

Never stop creating your world in your image.

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