Asucre Bilvam or Vilvam ~ Bael ~ Wood Apple ~ Aegle Marmelos
“This Sacred Tree Symbolizes Supreme Shiva”
We are richly endowed with numerous beneficial plants and fruits that have significant health and global importance. Most of these plants and fruits exhibit both pharmacological and therapeutic impacts on both human and animal lives.
These plants contain chemical compounds that help either directly or indirectly to prevent or treat diseases as well as to promote the healthy well being of human beings. One of such important plants is the Aegle marmelos (L.) tree that produces the golden apple (bael).
Several researchers have reported various interesting facts about this fruit, which is part of the reason why this fruit is highly important for everyone’s use. Also known as bhel, stone apple, Bengal quince, bili, Japanese bitter orange or wood apple, the golden apple is originally from India where it is considered a sacred tree before spreading to other parts of the world.
Apart from being eaten as fruit, the golden apple (bael) is also used in folk medicine for making herbal medicines that treat various ailments. The golden apple (bael) fruit is characterized by smooth-looking sort of woody shell outer covering with a yellow, gray or green peel. The outer shell of the golden apple is quite hard that it can only be cut open with a knife or hammer. The fibrous yellow pulp of the fruit consists of many hairy seeds that are enveloped in slimy mucilage and it is so aromatic with sweet tangy taste. The fruit takes approximately eleven to twelve months to get ripen on the tree.
Both the fruits, leaves and roots of the golden apple are highly beneficial for medicinal purposes and the fruit can reach the size of a pomelo or grapefruit. The golden apple fruit can be eaten fresh or dried. It can also be squeezed, drained and sweetened to produce drink that has similar appearance with lemonade.
Golden apple fruit is an effective home remedy for treating several health related problems such as sexual dysfunctions, constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, indigestion, diabetes, respiratory problems, piles and dysentery etc. It also gives immunity to infections such as viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Bael is very famous all over the India for its amazing health benefits, medicinal benefits, ritual use and home remedy. It is very friendly to all age groups for their health and fitness. It is a best home remedy which helps to combat with various daily life health problems like constipation, peptic ulcer, indigestion, respiratory problems, Diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, diabetes, sexual dysfunctions and so many. Wood apple provides immunity to fight with various infections like bacterial, viral, fungal and etc.

Some of the health and medicinal benefits of the bael are mentioned below:
- Best Natural Medicine - Bael root has an astringent property which is used for medicinal purposes to treat the conditions like fever, dyspepsia, weakness, Diarrhoea, dysentery, stomatitis, swellings, gastric irritation and etc.
- Cures Digestive Problems - Regular consumption of the bael helps in treating common digestive problems such as Diarrhoea, constipation, cholera, hemorrhoids (piles), and many more due to its availability of tannin.
- Provides Relief from Gastric Ulcer - Wood apple contains some phenolic compounds having antioxidant property which provides relief from the gastric ulcer, gastro-duodenal ulcer, Irritable bowel syndrome and etc.
- Removes Body Toxins - Eating bael with the black pepper and salt regularly helps in removing toxins from intestines thus provides relief from the constipation.
- Boosts Energy Level - It acts as an instant energy booster and energizes the body by fulfilling the need of various nutrients in the body.
- Boosts Metabolism - It enhances the metabolism process by boosting the involved organs activities.
- Relieves Morning Sickness - Eating the pulp of raw bael with the sugar provides relief from the morning sickness during pregnancy.
- Balances Hemoglobin Count - Wood apple is iron rich fruit which has ability to balance the hemoglobin count in women during pregnancy thus prevents from iron deficiency anaemia.
- Controls Insulin Secretion - It has laxative property which helps in managing the blood sugar levels by controlling the functions of pancreas and insulin secretion.
- Cures Urticaria - Drinking the mixture of cumin, bael juice and bay leaf juice two times a day helps in curing a skin problem called urticaria.
- Cures other Skin Problems - Wood apple also helps in curing skin rashes, vitiligo (white patches on the skin), redness, itching and etc. skin problems.
- Removes Dandruff - Scalp massage with the coconut oil having bael peel extract (heat bael peel in coconut oil) on regular basis provides relief from the dandruff.
- Manages Blood Sugar Level - Bael leaves juice helps in managing the blood sugar level as well as urination among diabetic person.
- Manages Hypertension - Drinking juice of bael leaves (boil dried bael leaves in water) helps in managing the hypertension.
- Cure Tuberculosis - Eating bael regularly during night by mixing with sugar and honey helps to cure tuberculosis.
- Enhances Appetite - It enhances the appetite if bael leaves powder is taken continuous for some days.
- Cures Indigestion and Constipation - Wood apple cures the problem of indigestion and constipation if it is consumed daily (not more than a cup) with jaggery for 2-3 months.
- Provides Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Taking powdered bael with a glass of buttermilk (or warm water) twice a day helps in relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
- Cures Diarrhoea - Taking powdered bael with warm water twice a day cures the problem of Diarrhoea.
- Treats Sexual Problems - Its natural aphrodisiac property helps in enhancing the sexual desire among men as well as treating the conditions like impotence, sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation, Spermatorrhea and etc.
- Enhances Breast Milk Production - It helps in enhancing the production of breast milk among lactating mother if bael juice is taken with ginger powder and jaggery by the mother.
- Protects from Breast Cancer - It is capable to protect women from the breast cancer if eaten regularly.
- Regularizes Progesterone Hormone - Eating the chutney of bael fruit maintains the secretion of progesterone hormone among women and cures the deficiency of it.
- Regulates Menstruation - Wood apple provides relief from the pain, excess bleeding and other symptoms during menstruation.
- Prevents from Scurvy Disease - Regular consumption of the bael fruit helps in preventing from the scurvy disease (caused due to the vitamin C deficiency).
- Controls Cholesterol Level - Wood apple helps in controlling the cholesterol level in the blood thus prevents from the disorders caused due to high blood cholesterol level.
- Cures Respiratory Disorders - Oil extracts of the bael is very effective to cure respiratory disorders including asthma, common cold, cough and etc.
- Relieves Inflammation - Bael extract has anti-inflammatory property and provides relief from the inflammations if applied to the inflamed region.
- Cures Snake Bite - Wood apple helps in curing snakes bite and protects from the malaria if the pulp of its bark, root or fruit is applied to the affected area.
- Cures Acidity and Mouth Ulcer - It has cooling effect on the body and provides relief from the acidity and mouth ulcer.
- Provides Cooling Effect during summer - Eating the mixture of honey and bael pulp provides relief from the thirst problem during summer season as well as gas problem.
- Maintains Blood Glucose Level - It has hypoglycemic effect on the body and reduces the level of blood glucose by enhancing the glucose utilization and stimulating insulin hormone.
- Prevents from Liver Disorders - Its hepato-protective nature enhances the liver injuries healing, prevents from the liver cirrhosis and liver infection.
- Reduces Side Effects of Radiotherapy - Wood apple has radio-protective property which helps in lowering down the side effects of radiotherapy.
- Manages Blood Cholesterol Level - Bael leaf extract has therapeutic effects on the body which helps in managing the cholesterol level in the blood.
- Cures Constipation - It helps in curing constipation and stomach pain if bael leaves juice is taken with sugar.
- Relieves Joint Pain and Swelling - It provides relief from the joints pain and swelling if the paste of bael leaves is applied to the affected areas.
- Provides Relief from Food Allergies -It provides relief from the symptoms of food allergies and skin itching if the mixture of bael leaves, ajwain seeds and salt is eaten.
- Maintains Blood Pressure - Bael leaves contains phytonutrients which has ability to maintain the blood pressure under control.
- Regulates Thyroid Hormone Secretion - Wood apple helps in regulating the thyroid hormone secretion thus regulates metabolism and prevents from hyperthyroidism.
- Cures Jaundice - Taking the mixture of bael leaf extract, black pepper and honey helps in curing jaundice.
- Cures Other Problems - It also helps in curing other problems like acidity, epilepsy, typhoid, malaria, indigestion, leprosy, myalgia and etc.
- Protects from Heart Diseases - Adding bael juice with desi ghee to the regular diet plan helps in protecting from the heart diseases like stroke heart attack and etc.
- Destroys Harmful Intestinal Worms - It involves in destroying the harmful intestinal worms thus maintains good digestion.
- Natural Blood Cleanser - Bael juice with little warm water and sugar acts as a blood cleanser and involves in the blood purification process by removing all the toxins.
- Regularizes Liver and Kidney Functioning - It helps in managing the functions of various major body organs like liver and kidneys thus prevents from various disorders.
- Enhances Immune Power - Vitamin C found in it acts as an antioxidant which enhances immune power in the body and protects from the early ageing.
- Prevents from Chronic Respiratory Problems - Wood apple acts as an expectorant thus provides relief from chronic respiratory problems like sore throat, bronchitis, influenza, asthma and etc.
- Treats Chronic Diarrhoea - Bael powder is prepared from the bael fruit pulp (after drying) which is very effective home remedy to treat chronic Diarrhoea problem.
- Treats various Disorders - Raw bael fruit extract helps to treat piles, anaemia, eye problems, ear disorders and vitiligo problem.
- Treats Bone Fracture - Applying the mixture of raw bael powder, ghee and turmeric to the fractured bones helps in treating the bone fracture.
- Prevents from Infection - Its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties help in getting prevented from the related infections.
- Treats Skin Problems - Applying the mixture of bael fruit powder, dates and honey on the face for 15-20 mins tones up the skin and makes it free from the acne and wrinkles.
- Relieves Headache - Applying the paste of dried bael roots (with water) on the forehead helps in relieving pain during severe headache.
Nutritional Benefits of Bael/Wood Apple powder per 100 g
Energy: 137 kcal
Fibers: 2.9 g
Water: 61.5 g
Carbohydrate: 31.8 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Protein: 1.8 g
Tartaric acid: 2.11 mg
Thiamine: 0.13 mg
Riboflavin: 1.19 mg
Niacin: 1.1 mg
Vitamin A: 55 mg
Vitamin C: 60 mg
Carotene: 55 mg
Calcium: 85 mg
Phosphorous: 110 mg
Iron: 480 mg
Manganese: 0.18 mg
Zinc: 0.10 mg
Magnesium: 41 mg
Chromium: 0.21 mg
Potassium: 600 mg
Eating the correct amount of bael powder on daily basis depends on various factors like age, sex, weight and health status of the person. Everything in this world, whether it is natural or artificial, has limitation thus it should be eaten within limit according to the body requirement to avoid it’s side effects and disadvantages as well as get it’s all the health benefits. There is no any accurate dose for all, it varies from person to person thus should be consulted by the physician before applying it in the daily life to treat some health disorders.
Aegle Marmelos is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, tablet and capsule form. Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the same.
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Legal Disclaimer: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Information on this website is not an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Please consult your physician or healthcare provider before taking any home remedies.
Note: Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.
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Raja Chandrasekaran
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Asucre Pure Herbals ~ Asucre Wellness
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