Principles of Siddha by Asucre Wellness - Kaaya Karpam (Gerontology) Vol 2

Kaaya Karpam (Gerontology)

”Udambar azhiyil uyirar azhivar…”-- Thirumandiram by Thirumoolar

The above quote states that maintaining a healthy body is essential as it holds a healthy mind which is required to attain salvation. Adoption of preventive techniques to maintain one’s body health helps to retain youthfulness and attain spiritual perfection.“Kaaya Karpam” (rejuvenation and longevity) was practiced as a preventive measure against illness. Practicing Kaaya Karpam also provides acquired immunity (seyarkai vanmai) to our body. Kaaya Karpam acts in 2 ways i.e., prevention against disease and restoration of health during illness. Thus, it is preventive as well as constructive.

Kaaya Karpam is studied under three categories viz.
  1. Mooligai Karpam
  2. Thathu and Seeva Karpam
  3. Yoga Karpam
  • Mooligai Karpam - This deals with drugs used in Siddha for Kaaya Karpam (rejuvenation and longevity) which have plant origin. Ex: - Fruits of Phyllanthus emblica (Amla)

  • Thathu and Seeva Karpam - This deals with minerals and animal products used as Kaaya Karpam preparations. This also includes “Muppu” (A combination of three salts) - a very unique preparation in Siddha.
  • Yoga Karpam (Yogic Practices) - Yogasanam, Pranayamam, Iyamam, and Niyamam fall under this category.
Siddhars have described several yogic postures which are aimed at developing and maintaining the wellness of the body and soul. Saint Thirumoolar has detailed several yogasanas (yogic postures) in his valuable work titled "Thirumandiram".

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Raja Chandrasekaran
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